Patrick Meaney

Web App Software Engineer

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Product Prototype: Timetracker App

Section: Timesheet Tracker

Real-time display of new clockin/clock out events

Table and map view (clicking on table displays marker)

Timerange search, with default value set to the past two weeks

UI Slider allows user to adjust viewport width of table or map shown

Section: Data creation via forms

Allows user to create new data in selected table

Autopopulated dropdown selector shows tables for which new data can be created

Various autopopulated UI elements within forms, such as tables or dropdown selectors

On creation of new activity, the assigned employee receives the activity in their task list in real-time

Section: Data administration -- editing and deleting data

User double clicks to edit data

Simply select row and click 'delete' to remove data

Easy download of csv file for any table, such as timesheets

Section: View submitted resume documents and job applicant data

View applicant resume in browser or download

Section: External API interaction, such as GPS lookup

Address inputs are autocomplated and provide GPS coordinate lookup via google maps API

Employee Dashboard

Section: Authentication

Registration / Login / Logout system

Passwords salted & hashed with bcrypt

User type & password comparison check on login

Section: Task list

Visual timeline of upcoming tasks updated in real time

Clocking in & out, with real-time display in Admin timesheet table & map

Project information including map of location

Employees have ability to create tasks for themselves

Section: User/Employee Profile

Autocompletion of address via google maps API

Photo upload, with preview

Resume/document upload, with format check validation